
This website promotes people working together to create a world where:

  • Everyone's basic human equality and dignity is recognized and respected.

  • People have enough to live comfortably and feel safe in their communities.

  • No small group controls excessive wealth and power.

We encourage:

  • Challenging unfair domination and resisting blind submission.

  • Building communities where people help each other grow and thrive.

  • Creating deep changes that fix problems at their roots, not just symptoms.

Many people are already engaged in these compassionate activities. Here's what could make these efforts stronger in all parts of society:

  • Concerned individuals tackle big problems in society that keep unfairness alive. This means questioning and changing the ways things have "always been done."

  • They share their stories and opinions honestly. People learn from each other's different life experiences without being judgmental.

  • They push for positive change in families, schools, workplaces, organizations, government, and beyond.

  • They help each other grow as people, especially in breaking free from situations where some people have too much power over others. No one feels pressured to be either a leader or a follower.

  • When possible, they form alliances for organized action. When voices unite, they're more likely to be heard.

Some of these activists could form "holistic teams" whose members would:

  • Endorse shared principles for fixing deep, interconnected, systemic problems in society.

  • Help each other grow, especially in avoiding power struggles where some people boss others around.

  • Work together for political change.

Along with other people and groups who share these goals, these teams could help grow the compassionate humanity community and break down the fake walls between people. When we stop focusing so much on our differences and start working together, we become much better at creating a fair world for everyone.


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