Being in the flow with a partner is a great experience, but society undermines partnership by inflaming its dominate-or-submit culture. The Democratic and Republican parties reinforce these divisive tendencies. Undoing deeply embedded social conditioning and nurturing compassionate cooperation throughout society will require sustained effort and mutual support.
With true partners, you care for the other as much as you care for yourself. The more they benefit, the more you benefit. You listen, learn, understand, and respect each other. You make decisions together, as equals, perhaps switching roles and delegating responsibilities. You’re a team. No one dominates or considers themselves to be a superior human being.
Tight-knit teams flourish at work and school, in sports, with music and the arts, and in community organizations. Members cooperate to achieve collective goals. Whole nations unite to solve problems or deal with catastrophes. Study group members teach one another. Sports team members inspire each other. Highly skilled musicians improvise, taking the group to new territory. Every member is important. Team spirit elevates performance. Throughout society, while accepting justified social control, strong individuals and strong communities cultivate empowerment.
Unfortunately, however, Americans (as is the case with humans in general) have an arrogance problem.
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