Advisory Committee Bios

Hector E. Garcia

Before joining state government as Executive Director (ED) of the Minnesota Chicano Latino Affairs Council, Hector Garcia was CEO of MEX-US Global, an international investment/marketing/trade and intercultural relations consulting company. He worked as V.P. for International & Domestic Emerging Markets at Wells Fargo Bank. Hector was District Director of the Minnesota/Dakotas Region of The National Conference for Community & Justice (NCCJ) and created the Twin Cities Immigrant Community Roundtable with the INS District Director Aljets in 2000; since then, he moderated the Roundtable, which transformed an adversarial relationship between government and immigrant groups into a cooperative one and created a model for a national multilingual guide for new immigrants. Hector developed the process of Cultural Complementarity, which proposes that cultural differences can help humanity better understand and manage reality if those differences are perceived, not as threats nor as superior or inferior, but as complementary in the pursuit of common goals. He is the author of “Clash or Complement of Cultures?” Peace and Productivity in the New Global Reality.